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Lakeshore Racquets Centre

Updated:  January 2024

ALL Members of Lakeshore Racquets Centre (LRC) are required to read, understand, and agree to comply with this CODE OF CONDUCT, when becoming a member of the Lakeshore Racquets Centre (LRC).  LRC Members are responsible for their guests and supporters and must ensure they are aware of and follow this CODE OF CONDUCT.




The Lakeshore Racquets Centre is committed to providing a caring, friendly, and safe environment for our members and guests. The overriding principle is that all members, guests, visitors, volunteers and coaches will behave in a respectful, courteous, and considerate manner when on LRC property. 

All members, players, and their guests/supporters have a duty to encourage and maintain the highest standards of sportsmanship, courtesy, fair play and respect.    Bullying, harassment, discrimination or exclusion will not be tolerated. 




CARE OF EQUIPMENT/PREMISES:      Players, guests/supporters:

  1. Will not mistreat any part or portion of the LRC equipment, facilities or grounds.

  2. Will not lend out access fobs to any guests or non-members.

  3. Will ensure that ALL guests are signed in (waiver/code of conduct signed) and collect the established guest fee.

  4. Will not violently or dangerously hit, kick, or throw an object of any kind.                


SPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT:  Players and their guests/supporters will conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner, make calls fairly and honestly, and are expected to give due regard to the authority of the LRC Board, the rights of opponents, spectators and others.

Unsportsmanlike conduct is defined as any misconduct that is clearly abusive or detrimental to the success of an organized sports activity. 


PHYSICAL & VERBAL CONDUCT:  Players and their guests/supporters will not at any time physically, verbally or sexually harass an opponent, spectator, or other person on the grounds of LRC.  Physical, verbal and sexual harassment refers to the unauthorized touching of another person or any statement directed at another person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory, racist, insulting or otherwise abusive.  


AUDIBLE & VISIBLE CONDUCT:   Players and their guests/supporters will not use audible or visible obscenities while on the grounds of LRC.  An audible obscenity is defined as the use of words commonly known and understood to be profane and uttered clearly and loudly enough to be heard.  A visible obscenity is defined as making of a sign with one’s hands and or racquet or balls that commonly would be viewed as an obscene meaning.

PROPER AND SAFE CLOTHING AND ATTIRE:  All Players will wear appropriate sport clothing and shoes.  All Shoes must be non-marking, appropriate sport footwear.  Shoes worn outdoors must not be worn on indoor courts.  Safety impact glasses are highly recommended for playing squash.


ILLEGAL DRUGS:  The possession or use of illegal drugs by any player, guest/Spectator is prohibited on LRC grounds.


OTHER:  All members and guests are required to follow all Public Health orders as may be in effect at any time. 



While it is generally expected that minor infractions should be attempted to be resolved between the people involved by way of verbal discussion or apology, the Lakeshore Racquets Centre Board of Directors has the responsibility of ensuring that members and their guests/ supporters comply with the Code of Conduct, and as such will employ the following procedures in the event of a suspected violation:


A member, guest/supporter witnessing an apparent serious infraction will submit written documentation of the occurrence to the LRC Board President within 5 business days.


The President will receive the report and gather any additional information. The LRC Board of Directors will then review the reports and determine if any penalties are to be assessed to the persons involved. Penalties may include:  being warned of their breach, being asked to leave the court/facility, being excluded from participating in any or all LRC activities, having their membership suspended, cancelled and/or refused in the future.


The LRC President will share the decision of the LRC Board of Directors with all those involved, and the steps for an appeal process if desired.


Appeal Process:


Those involved have 5 business days of their notification to request an appeal of the penalty that was assessed.  The request is to be sent to the LRC President in writing.


The President will arrange for a meeting of a quorum of LRC Board of Directors, and all persons involved in the incident. All persons involved will be given the opportunity in an organized, calm fashion to review their concerns, and Board of Directors will have an opportunity to ask questions.


Following the departure of those involved, the Board of Directors will reach a final decision which the President will share with those involved in writing, within 5 business days. 

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Lakeshore Racquets Centre would like to acknowledge and thank the District of Summerland for our 2023 Tax Exemption.

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